How Can Radio Stations Engage With Millennials and the iGeneration?.
Millenials or Gen X are those who reach adulthood by the year 2000. iGeneration or Generation Z are those born from the mid 1990s to the early noughties. They have grown up in the Digital Age but research has proven that both these demographics interact with media much differently to previous generations. They are a key target audience for radio stations and are highly accessible on social and digital platforms.
Learning Waves will be hosting a half day workshop with Joanne Sweeney-Burke, of the Digital Training Institute on the 28th of November. The course content will lead you to:
- Understand the digital habits of Millennials and iGeneration
- Understand how to put in place a strategy to help your station engage with and convert younger audiences
- Learn about hiring digital influencers and their role in social engagement
The latest JNLR figures show that 3.1 million listeners tune into Irish radio every day. Of that, 77% are of 15-34 year olds, they are said to tune in on a daily basis. Radio takes charge of 75% of their time spent listening to audio (Ipsos MRBI) so whether their listening in real time or on demand, they are still engaging with radio. This then extends into the online world of social media where, according to the Digital News Report 2017, released by Reuters Institute, more and more young people turn to social media as their main source of news. Radio stations can use this to their advantage by recreating on-air content for social platforms, in turn, keeping younger generations engaged. During the workshop, Joanne will be filling us in on digital habits of Millennials and iGeneration and explaining how we can engage and convert a younger audience.
During a Choose Radio event in May of this year, a session was held with FM104's CEO, Margaret Nelson, KCLR, 96FM, CEO, John Purcell, Keith McCormack, CEO of Today FM and the boss of 2FM Dan Healy. The panel were in agreement that "we have got to visualise audio but not at the expense of radio content". Radio content comes first but we cannot forget about online content particularly when targeting a younger audience". To find out more on the Choose Radio event here:
Another area which is becoming more integral to social media is the location of digital influencers in order to engage a younger audience. Millennial and iGeneration are hanging out on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and the likes and what better way to reach them than with social media influencers who they already follow and trust. This can advance radio advertising and promotions online.
These are all important aspects of radio today and of it’s future, to learn how to put strategies in place to help your radio station engage with Millennials and iGeneration, book your place at our workshop, 28th November in the Gibson Hotel, Dublin.