Facebook Ads - Maximising their potential for Radio.

Course Brief

This course is aimed at all of those across the radio sector who are using Facebook Ads as part of advertising campaigns.  The half day workshop will take you through the fundamentals of Facebooks Ads, how to build audiences and to develop templates for your campaigns.


Course Content


  • Facebook Pixel Website Check
  • Facebook Ads Manager
  • Building Audiences in Facebook
  • Awareness Ad campaigns
  • Traffic Ad campaigns
  • Remarketing campaigns
  • Facebook Ad reporting




Joanne Sweeney, CEO, Digital Training Institute

Joanne is a published author and her first title looks at use of social media by law enforcement agencies. She is a writer for Social Media Examiner, the world's largest social media website. She hosts a weekly podcast called JSB Talks Digital and a weekly vlog of the same name. She also delivers webinars on Big Marker, the world's largest webinar community.

Joanne is a skilled trainer and in the past three years alone has delivered face-to-face training to over 3,000 people across the world. Every single training programme she has designed and delivered and she complements this training with online supports, resources and mentoring. She has her own eLearning platform on digitaltraining.ie and leverages technology to expand digital education to as many people as possible.