Leading Diversity and Inclusion in Core.

Course Details

  • Date Tue, 19th September 2023
  • Time 11:00 to 12:30
  • Duration 1.5 hours (This event will take place via Zoom webinar.  To register please go to : https://bit.ly/3rDfWyV)
  • LocationOnline via Zoom
  • Trainers Jill Downey, Core, Andrew Campbell-Edie, Irish Centre for Diversity

Course Aims

This workshop aims to give participants an overview of the journey undertaken by Core in achieving the Investors in Diversity Gold accreditation mark from the Irish Centre for Diversity. 

Course Content

This workshop will look at :

  • The Diversity and Inclusion journey in Core
  • Managing teams and people and challenges and opportunities presented
  • Value of the award – Investors in Diversity Gold
  • Diversity and Inclusion through the advertising lens
  • Advice to the radio sector in relation to their Diversity and Inclusion journey


Jill Downey, Core

Jill is the Chief Sustainability & Sponsorship Officer at Core, Ireland’s largest marketing communications company.  Jill has over 20 years’ experience in marketing communications and has been a board director of Core for over 12 years.  She heads the Sponsorship Practice in Core, working with brands and rights holders to maximise the potential in sponsorship and using more data to informed smarter decision making.

Jill also leads Core’s ESG strategy which incorporates DEI, Climate Action and Governance. Core has a pivotal role to play in driving cultural change through marketing and advertising, working with major brands on their ESG strategies. Core holds Investors in Diversity Gold accreditation from the Irish Centre for Diversity and was the 6th company in Ireland to achieve this level of D&I performance.  The judges in the National Diversity and Inclusion Awards 2023, awarded ‘Highly commended’ to Core’s entry in the ‘Outstanding Diversity Initiative Award sponsored by Matheson’ category.  Jill is also a member of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce Council and is a member of their Sustainability Taskforce.


Andrew Campbell-Edie, Irish Centre for Diversity

Andrew is a D&I champion with a special interest in positive role models. Andrew brings over 20 years of experience to his Communications role with ICFD.  With ‘lived experience’ gained in the UK and Ireland, his career is built on collaborative working and he is skilled at clearly communicating complex messaging. He has had articles about D&I issues published in the Business Post, Marketing.ie and others.  He completed the MSc Marketing programme at UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School. His study included Marketing for Social change, Leading corporate reputation and he also gained a Certificate in Intercultural Development. Andrew is a TED talk fanatic, crossfitter, Tesla fanboy and an avid Ru-Paul’s drag race follower.

Who is this content for?

This workshop is aimed at all those working in the Independent Radio Sector in Ireland.

Training Method

This workshop will take place online via Zoom on 19th September 2023 from 11am to 12.30pm.

To register for the workshop go to : https://bit.ly/3rDfWyV