JNLR Audience Analyser.

Course Details

  • Date Wed, 18th May 2022
  • Time 10:00 to 11:00
  • Duration 45 minutes (To register for this course go to : https://bit.ly/3rsAhE9)
  • LocationOnline via Zoom
  • Trainers Mel Buzzing, AdServe

Course Aims

The aim of this course is to provide users with an overview of the new JNLR Audience Analyser Tool developed by AdServe.

Course Content

This 45 minute session will provide you with an overview of the new JNLR analyser. The will be delivered by AdServe and will introduce you to the new online tool which will allow you to analyse your stations JNLR results.


Fay Morris, AdServe

Who is this content for?

The course is aimed at all those who will be using the new JNLR Audience Analyser Tool.

Training Method

The course will be delivered online via Zoom.  To book your place on this course on the following dates go to :

8th August 2023 - https://bit.ly/3XLOgDV
15th August 2023 - https://bit.ly/44FQ2Zh