Learning Waves Skillnet launches 2021 training calendar.
Learning Waves Skillnet, has today, launched it's training calendar to kick start 2021. The training network is currently working with all member organisations to review training needs for 2021. As this is taking place the network will kick start training with members on 26th January 2021 with Broadcast Law update training being delivered by Sarah Kieran from Media Lawyer. In addition to this training, courses on Remote Worker Effectiveness and Managing Remote Teams has also been scheduled on the calendar. These course proved extremely popular with members in 2021 and are delivered by Jennifer Dowling from Train Remote. Both of these courses look at how we can manage ourselves more effectively as remote working continues and also looks at how managers can manage creative teams remotely. The ever popular Eric Dixon will work with presenters across the network in January and February and much needed IT courses in the areas of Excel and Powerpoint will be delivered in February 2021.
The network is currently in the process of recruiting trainers for 2021 and has published its tender document for 2021 on eTenders. In addition to the above programmes, currently on offer, the network, once the procurement process is complete, will bring on stream courses in the areas of Interviewing, Management Training, Commerical Production, Sales, Social Media Training, GDPR and Data Protection training and Expert Workshops across all disciplines.
The Diploma in Creative Radio Advertising with the London College of Music is due for completion on 31st January 2021 while the Advanced Diploma in Social Media and Media Law with Kings Inns College is due for completion in March 2021. It is anticipated that such courses will be scheduled again in 2021.
The network and its activities are supported by the network members, Skillnet Ireland and the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland. For more details on the training courses currently scheduled go to : https://www.learningwaves.ie/trainingcalendar